Ve : ‘ve as in we’ve
A proposed gender-neutral pronoun: (iT)
abbrv. / Venezuela : VE
Vex : vex (vks)
tr.v. vexed, vex·ing, vex·es
1. To annoy, as with petty importunities; bother. See Synonyms at annoy.
2. To cause perplexity in; puzzle.
3. To bring distress or suffering to; plague or afflict.
4. To debate or discuss (a question, for example) at length.
5. To toss about or shake up.
Vexi :
!1. a User Interface platform focusing on flexibility and simplicity, primarily for web applications. Vexi is lightweight, cross-platform, cross-browser, easy to learn and yet very powerful. It is an alternative to AJAX/HTML.
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Vexil :
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Learn about treatment options for heroin addiction.
vex·il·lum [vek-sil-uhm] Show IPA
noun, plural vex·il·la [vek-sil-uh] Show IPA .
a military standard or flag carried by ancient Roman troops.
a group of men serving under such a standard.
video frequency.
Also, vex·il [vek-sil] Show IPA . Botany . the large upper petal of a papilionaceous flower. See diag. under papilionaceous.
Ornithology Rare. the web or vane of a feather.
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Color: pinkie fawn (pagan irish)
VEXILI- v. vexil.
Vexill :
(Latin: flag, flags; standards, banners)
cybervexillology, cybervex (s) (noun); cybervexillologies, cybervexes (pl)
Vexillological (flag) research and/or publications of vexillological information by using electronics, particularly the internet or other electronic delivery systems: "There are many cybervexillologies presented on the internet for those who have a fascination about flags, and who enjoy learning about the history and developments of international flags and their symbolisms."
"His web site emphasized content about cybervexes and their related flag information."
banners or flags
Vexilla regis prodeunt
"The banners of the king come forth" is the title of a hymn on the Passion of Christ, written by Vanantius Fortunatus, bishop of Poitiers (died about A.D. 600) and assigned to Vespers during Passiontide.
Vexilla regis prodeunt,
Fulget crucis mysterium,
Qua vita mortem pertulit
Et morta vitam protulit.
Abroad the royal banners fly
And bear the gleaming Cross on high-
That Cross whereon Life suffered death
And gave us life with dying breath.
A standard-bearer, or under the Roman empire, “the oldest class of veterans”.
vexillary (VEK suh ler" ee), vexillarious (vek" suh LER ee uhs)
1. One of the oldest class of veterans in the Roman army, serving under a special standard.
2. A Roman standard-bearer; originally, a member of a special Roman military unit under a separate vexillum.
3. When used as an adjective, of or pertaining to flags.
vexillation (vek" suh LAY shuhn)
1. In Roman antiquity, a company of troops under one vexillum, detached for special service from a main body of soldiers.
2. Later, a regular troop of calvary; also, a company of veterans of a legion.
While the earliest flags were vexilloids, the emblem at the top of the staff varied. It might have been the tail of a tiger, a metal vane, a ribbon, a carved animal, a windsock of woven grasses or crude cloth, or a construction combining more than one material. Since kinship, real or imagined, constitutes the principal organizing technique of primitive societies, very frequently we find the animal from which the clan claims descent and for which it is named (that is its totem), as the chief symbol of the vexilloid. The people who carried the totem believed they derived their powers from it; hence, vexilloids very early acquired a religious significance they have never lost (page 37).
Like Roman religion, these vexilloids were not jealous or exclusivistic because official recognition was given in the Roman pantheon to the totemic vexilloids of barbarian troops serving in the Roman army. It was a matter of great surprise to
the Romans when the monotheistic Jews rioted in ca. 26 A.D. upon the introduction of the sacred Roman vexilloids into the Temple on order of Pilate (pages 37-38).
—From Flags trough the Ages and Across the World,
compiled by Whitney Smith, 1975; McGraw-Hill Book Co. (UK) Limited]
A banner-bearer in a mystery or a miracle play.
vexillatry, vexillolatry
Treatment, or worship, of a flag as a fetish or sacred object.
vexillogical (vek" suh LAHJ jik'l), vexillological (vek" suh luh LAHJ jik'l)
A reference to flags.
A person who designs or makes flags.
An object that functions as a flag but differs from it in some respect, usually in appearance.
Vexilloids are characteristic of traditional societies and often consist of a staff with an emblem, such as a carved animal, at the top.
Vexilloids of the Roman Empire were sophisticated in design and usage. Animals were used on standards until 104 B.C. when the consul Marius ordered the eagle to become the sole standard of Roman legions. Names and wreaths of honor were included on some Roman vexilloids, while in later years the emperors insisted that their portraits be used.
From the word vexillum, the only cloth flag apparently carried by the Romans, is derived the word vexillology, the study of flag history and symbolism.
—Flags trough the Ages and Across the World, compiled by Whitney Smith, 1975; McGraw-Hill Book Co. (UK) Limited, side bar on page 36]
vexillologist (vek" suh LAHL luh jist)
One who studies flags.
vexillology (vek suh LAHL luh jee)
1. The study of flags.
2. The scientific study of the history, symbolism, and usage of flags or, by extension, any general listing of flags.
3. Etymology: from Latin vexillum, a term used by the Romans to refer to a kind of standard with a fabric hung from a horizontal crossbar on a pole. It is the closest equivalent in the classical languages to what we call a flag today.
In his book, Dr. Smith says, "While the use of flags goes back to the earliest days of human civilization, the study of that usage in a serious fashion is so recent that the term for it (vexillology, coined by the author of this book) did not appear in print until 1959. This has resulted in a lack of uniformity in flag terms and, worse still, a lack of source material concerning actual usage on which standardization might be based." (page 12).
—Dr. Whitney Smith, compiler of the book, Flags through the Ages and Across the World, McGraw-Hill Book Company (UK), 1975.
An abnormal desire to collect and have flags.
Anyone who has an abnormal passion for collecting flags.
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vexillō n
dative singular of vexillum
ablative singular of vexillum
Antirrhinum vexillo-calyculatum is a species of New World snapdragon found only in California and occasionally Oregon.[1] This wildflower is known by several common names, including wiry snapdragon, sailflower snapdragon, and Brewer's snapdragon.The plant twines along other plants or objects with its branchlets. It produces lavender snapdragon flowers 1 to 2 centimeters wide. The flower has a prominent lower lip and it may be streaked with darker purple. This species is most abundant in the low-elevation mountains of northern and central California, where it grows in rocky areas and especially in serpentine soil.
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